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Water Waste Water Composite Sampler

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This composite Liquid Sampler is mainly used as water / waste water sampler. For collection of water sample at predefined time intervals, consisting of a pump with programmable controller. The quality of effluent does not remain same throughout the day. It therefore becomes essential to monitor various parameter again & again at different intervals to have correct idea. Using composite sampler you can get representative sample from 1lt to 10 lt in 24 hours time depending on the programme you select. This will help you reducing time & cost of analysis.


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Analytical Instruments, Automatic Potentiometric Titrator, Automatic Potentiometric Titrator Model Agile, Cod Analysis System, Columetric Kf Titrator, Conductivity Tds Meter, Fluoride Meter, Handy Sampler, Karl Fischer Titrator Kf, Karl Fischer Titrator Modelwhiz, Kjeldahl Nitrogen Analyzer, Melting Point Model Check Melt, Motorless Magnetic Stirrer Multipoint, Multipara Meter Instrument, Ph Conductivity Meter, Ph Ion Meter, Products, Solid State Cooling Heating System, Thermo Reactor, Turbidity Meter, Ultrasonic Bath, Water Waste Water Composite Sampler